Sunday, March 28, 2010

I wait...

I wait while I stare

Into the mirror, the disrepair;

The morbid self, the sad image:

My life’s last pathetic page.

I wait while I reminisce

My past, the pain and amiss,

The people, the slur:

Split into my own saboteur.

I wait while I fall,

The inevitable, strong and tall,

Conquers what I feel,

Hacks a sword of steel.

I wait while I release

My life into the peace,

Bittersweet oozes out

Sad wrists, pale with drought.

I wait while I loose

My words, while I cruise

Dark tunnel with distant light;

The antonym of glory fight.

I wait while I peel

Off my soul as I feel

Numb pain summons my hearse,

While I write this proletariat verse.

I wait while I face

Slow death with elder’s pace;

Volumes remain unspoken

To the few perchance heart-broken.

I wait while I cry:

Still too young and new to die,

Yet my last words I indite:

A satire of my enemy’s might.

I wait while I near

The far light, oh so dear!

Blinding white, the final breath

The wait’s not over in my death…

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful composition.
    The life went a full round, touching anything to everything. And loved the dark and hopeless side of the verse.
    Keep writing.
