Saturday, October 22, 2011


Let me apologize to start with,

Let me apologize for all I said and did,

'Coz many a times I was ignorant

Of what was wrong and right

But many a times I could swear

It was you.

I have seen the emptiness,

I have felt the blue

I have been the nascent storm

The calm before the gloom

And all I did to fill the void

Was thrown away askew.

I’m a loner by popular choice

And I’m silent by my own,

I rest by day in a ricketing bed

And stitch my heart

With no heart to mend

And yes, the pun was my intent.

If you try to find a rhyme

It’s not here; don't waste your time,

My words are crude, no need to chime,

Don’t be my friend, just go, it’s fine

I won't be sad, the pleasure is mine

Don’t miss me, I know, but I’ll be dying.